Last updated on December 15th, 2020 at 05:25 pm
Call of Duty Mobile players recently received the all-new operator skill – Katana. The new Katana arrived last weekend with the seasonal events, players needed to complete a set of missions to equip the new operator skill. Well, almost all players have tried their hands on the new operator skill and everyone is enjoying it so far.
The majority of the players in matchmaking are using Katana these days. And it is, without any doubt, the most over-powered operator skill in the game right now. Some players have claimed to get a kill-streak of 8 from Katana, which is not impossible but rare.
Using the Katana is really fun, however, there are a lot of bugs too. Some players have reported issues with the new operator skill and their inquisitive faces are looking out if they are the only ones to face these issues. Well, if you are one of those, let us tell you that you are not alone.

Here, we will be mentioning the current issues with the new operator skill and the current status.
Let’s talk about the bugs which have been reported by several players. First of all, FOV (Field of View) issues. Players reported that they having issues with the screen FOV, where it increases & decreases randomly for around 2 seconds. Well, these alterations in FOV distract the player.
There are other issues too. Some players also reported that they were unable to prone and roll after activating Katana -Operating Skill, thus affecting the tactical gameplay.
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Another weird issue, which has made Katana Operator Skill completely useless for some players, won’t let users control the crosshair camera. And what’s the point of using it when you can’t even aim enemies.
Well, we were expecting the developers to fix these issues right after they were reported by several issues on various social media. But, still, no update to fix these issues has arrived yet.
In the recent community update, the developers mentioned that the fix to the issues will arrive alongside the season 9 update. And according to the sources, the seasonal update may drop on August 12.
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Nishant ‘thatman’ Singh is a Digital Marketing Manager and a fan of the COD, Minecraft, and Roblox. Perfection is his forte, and the same can be seen in his work. He loves to invest his time in creating awesome content on YouTube and discovering the latest games.