YouTuber Cygnoux talks about issues with COD Mobile SBMM

Last updated on February 2nd, 2021 at 09:45 pm

Call of Duty Mobile is getting refreshed with Season 1, which is set to release on January 26. With less than a day to go for the much-awaited update, the developers have now disclosed some key modifications that will be coming with the Season 1 refreshed version, which include new weapons, modes, and an original multiplayer map.

Well, since we are walking towards a seasonal count reset. It’s about time we addressed some really bugging and annoying problems which has been frustrating the COD Mobile Community. Today we will be talking about one such issue. So, let’s get into it.

Cygnoux disappointed with SBMM.

SBMM is also known as Skill Based Matchmaking, a system where players are matched based upon their skill set and stats versus prioritizing connection in matches. In a nutshell, it is the process of grouping players with those of similar skill levels.

Recently prominent YouTuber and pro-COD Mobile player – Cygnoux took to expressing his utter dissatisfaction with the current SBMM system in COD Mobile on the YouTube Community Post.

He mentioned that, with the current SBMM system, whilst playing Ranked matches, he is usually teamed up with really low-level teammates. Cygnoux says – “SBMM is really unbalanced. I’m usually the only one in my team going positive while the enemies have at least 3 people going positive. I even out frag the enemy MVP and still lose the game”

The problem at hand is that, since Cygnoux is a pro player, the SBMM system always queues him against professional opponents. But, instead of teaming him up with decent players, he gets teamed up with really low-leveled or novice players.

That in itself can become quite frustrating. We’re sure most of you guys can relate to him. Also, according to Cygnoux, because of SBMM, solo ranked matches are absolutely a waste of time and effort. This is because, if you are an above-average player, the opponents you get will be good enough or probably better. However, your teammates will be too weak to even stand a chance against them.

We’re sure you guys can understand the gravity of the situation as this is a problem most of us must have suffered through at some point in time. This poor SBMM has really sucked the fun out of playing ranked matches.

This sheer unbalances in the matching system has led to a lot of rage-quits and bashed up devices. COD Mobile should better come up with a proper update and fix in the upcoming season.

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