How to Throw Knife in Breaking Point (Roblox -PC/Mobile)

In “Breaking Point,” on Roblox, players gather around a table to compete in different game modes, such as “Duck Duck Stab,” “Who Did It,” “Russian Roulette,” and more.

The goal is to be the last person standing by eliminating other players, often using knives as a primary weapon.

One essential skill that can significantly improve your chances of winning is mastering the art of knife throwing.

Whether you’re playing on a PC or a mobile device, this guide will walk you through the steps to throw a knife effectively in Breaking Point.

How to Throw Knife in Breaking Point (Roblox -PC/Mobile)

  • PC: Hold down the left mouse button to aim and release to throw.
  • Mobile: Tap and hold the screen to aim and release to throw.

Throwing a Knife on PC (Windows/Mac)

  • Left-Click to Aim:

To throw a knife in Breaking Point on PC, you need to aim first. Do this by pressing and holding the left mouse button.

This action enables aiming mode, allowing you to precisely target your opponent.

  • Release to Throw:

Once you’ve aimed at your target, release the left mouse button to throw the knife.

The knife will travel in the direction of your aim, so make sure to line up your shot carefully.

  • Practice Makes Perfect:

The more you practice, the better your accuracy will become.

Regular practice in different game modes, especially “Duck Duck Stab,” can help you improve your knife-throwing skills.

Throwing a Knife on Mobile Devices (iOS/Android)

Playing Breaking Point on a mobile device?

Here’s how you can throw a knife using a touchscreen:

  • Tap and Hold to Aim:

To throw a knife on a mobile device, tap and hold on the screen to enter aiming mode. Move your finger around to adjust your aim.

  • Release to Throw:

Once you’re satisfied with your aim, release your finger from the screen to throw the knife. Precision can be a bit more challenging on mobile, so take your time to ensure your aim is accurate.

Pro Tips for Knife Throwing in Breaking Point

  • Stay Calm Under Pressure:

Knife-throwing moments are often high-stress, especially when it’s down to the final few players. Try to stay calm and focus on your target to improve your accuracy.

  • Anticipate Opponent Movements:

In modes like “Duck Duck Stab,” your opponents might move around to avoid getting hit. Anticipate where they’ll be by the time your knife reaches them, and aim slightly ahead of their movement.

  • Practice in Private Servers:

To hone your skills, consider practicing in a private server with friends. This will allow you to get a feel for the mechanics without the pressure of a public game.

  • Use Backward Movement for a Straighter Throw:

Moving backward while throwing a knife can sometimes help it travel straighter instead of spinning. This technique can be useful when you need a precise shot.

Game Modes That Enhance Knife Skills

  • Duck Duck Stab:

This mode is particularly useful for practicing knife throws. You’ll face off in 1v1 duels, where your goal is to eliminate your opponent with a well-aimed throw.

  • Who Did It:

In this mode, a player must secretly eliminate others while avoiding detection. Throwing a knife quietly and accurately can help you avoid being caught.

  • Duel Vote:

Players vote on who should duel. If chosen, your knife-throwing skills will be put to the test in front of the entire group, making accuracy and timing crucial.

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