Last updated on April 15th, 2021 at 08:42 am
Brawl Stars has really appealed to most players across the world because of the hero action-shooter genre which it aims to provide. Also, Season 6 Gold Arm Gang has increased the hype for the game by tenfold.
Players seem to swarm in from all corners of the globe to try the things which the new Season has to provide. Another new mode is the Knockout mode. Since the Knockout mode has become widely popular, it is getting difficult to choose brawlers for this mode.
So, in this article we will be compiling a list of some of the best brawlers for the Knockout Ends meet map.
Also Read: Top 10 Brawlers in Knockout ‘Double Bluff’ in Brawl Stars
Top 10 Best Brawlers for Knockout ‘Ends meet’ in Brawl Stars:
In the Knockout Event, there seem to be 2 groups composed of three players in each. The goal is to defeat the complete opposition players in a game of best-of-3 matches. Unlike most other 3v3 Events, when a participant is neutralized, they do not really respawn and their squad has to perform without them for the rest of the round.
It is sort of a team-deathmatch scenario, except it’s quite exciting and fun since a truckload of brawlers with unique abilities are involved.
Colette’s HP-scaling ability makes her hazardous to all kinds of opponents. Colette could even finish off any brawler with two normal assaults and a Super which strikes two times.
Her Star Power Push enables her just to either push opponents into your allied forces who could really shatter them down or push them away from allied forces who really need to recover. Her second Star Power, Mass Tax, can grant you up to a 40% armor for five seconds, vastly boosting her survival rate.
Edgar’s Super enables him to leap on to the opponents for a clean finish, and his Let’s Fly Gadget makes it possible for him to start charging his Super quickly without facing battle. That being said, while Edgar doesn’t really have his Super, he is likely to be attacked by efficient sharpshooters.
His Star Powers, Hard Landing, and Fisticuffs also operate well in this mode. Hard Landing could well put an additional 1000 damage to finish off enemies quicker, and Fisticuffs can help him survive better while facing an enemy.
3. BEA
Bea’s supercharged strike is quite hazardous to buoy toward, as it tries to deal a significant level of destruction that can rapidly destabilize opponents. Bea’s Super could be used to delay down an opponent for her as well as her partners to massively harm or destroy the opponents. Nevertheless, with her comparatively low health, she needs to be defended or she’ll be splatted down or slaughtered by other brawlers.

Bull really could take out low-health oppressor brawlers with his increased destruction in tight proximity. Seeing as keeping intact is crucial in the game, his enhanced health and T-Bone Injector Gadget seem to be advantageous.
He could perhaps also use his Super to retreat. Both of Bull’s Star Powers prosper in this, as Berserker could even empower him to eliminate opponents way faster while at low health, and Tough Guy offers protection when Bull requires to heal up and when trying to charge in. His second Gadget, the Stomper, empowers for him as well as members of the team to catch up with the enemy and seeks to delay the opponent down.
Belle’s strikes have a rather long range which hooks on neighboring opponents, and her Super enables her to label an intended target which allied forces deal a little more damage against perpetually till positioned on some other attacker.
Her gadget enables her to decelerate opponents that walk on it, permitting allied forces to pop the attacker. Her Star Power, Positive Feedback, will offer Belle a slight damage decrease for a better survival rate. However, she’s likely to be targeted by killers.
Regardless of his diminished health Crow can bring valuable efficacy for his team amounting to his poison mechanic. This not only inhibits enemies from recovering, but Crow could use his Extra Toxic Star Power to reduce their effects that vastly improve the mortality rate of his squad.
Moreover, Crow’s second gadget, Slowing Toxin can increase the vulnerability of infected opponents by attempting to make it all the more complicated to escape mostly by their painfully slow movements, enabling Crow and his team members to annihilate them till they get recovered.
7. Mr. P
Mr. P casts a moderately healthy home base. This can be tossed anyplace in under a small range from Mr. P. The home base is static and revives Robo-porters with really limited health and damage to assist Mr. P and his partners. The porters drive reasonably rapidly forward towards the closest destination and pause and fire with relatively quick shots once they get within the goal area.
The Robo carriers can continue to spawn until the home is destroyed. Mr. P’s first Star Power, Handle With Care, enables his main attack to bounce at the end of its scope. His second Star Power, Revolving Door, spawns his porters when the present is torn down.
8. STU

Stu’s short bolts and his incredibly fast Supercharge enabled him to become a formidable, devastating opponent in Knockout. His gadget constantly speeds up of his and his comrades, so far as the tower is secure, and his star power enhances his life and capacity for damage.
His first-star force, Zero Drag, makes it unbelievably challenging to target him by raising his super range to 71%. When he hits the enemy, his second star Gaso-Heal keeps him alive.

El Primo is a Rare Brawler who destroys with his knuckles, attempting to deal significant damage to opponents whom he gets near enough to. El Primo seems to have very high health, enabling him to endure a huge amount of damage.
With his super, he can leap and fall against his adversaries and he can destroy his landing point and knock opponents down. His first Gadget, Suplex Supplement, empowers him to seize enemies and hurl them over his shoulders. His second gadget, the Asteroid Belt, calls for a small comet that damages the impact massively.
10. COLT
He has a somewhat minimal percentage of health and has a high damage outcome. He blasts a total of 6 shots per assault, and those shots have a really long scope His Super is quite comparable to his primary attack, but it blasts an extra-long volley of twelve gunshots that can demolish hurdles and penetrate through opponents.
His first Gadget, Speedloader, instantaneously loads up 2 ammo in his ammunition bar. His second Gadget, Silver Bullet, transforms his next attack into a solitary piercing shot that worth 2 bullets of his attack, and also demolish the shield.
The above-mentioned list is a compilation of some of the most efficient brawlers who are best suited for the Knockout Ends Meet map. The brawlers in this list have been chosen keeping, the Surroundings of Ends meet in mind. So, we really hope you get an advantage over your opponents by using these brawlers.
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Abhigyan identifies himself as a tech geek, gaming cognoscenti, and also a connoisseur of music. Unidentified and mysterious phenomena never fail to gather his undivided attention. When not reading about bizarre and perplexing entities across the Universe, he can often be found cheering for his favorite teams in Football.