Minecraft had a major impact on the game industry after its debut in 2011. Approximately 150 million copies of Minecraft have been sold since its first release.
It is possible that the amazing success of Minecraft was the result of its creator, Mojang. Due to the continuous flow of new features from the creators, this game has survived throughout time.
In Minecraft, almost everything you do is in service of finishing the game. This is a sandbox game, so you are free to explore the world as you want. As long as you keep trying, you’ll never grow weary in Minecraft.
If you’re a lover of Minecraft, you’ll like these 15 amazing games like Minecraft for Android and iOS that are just like Minecraft.
Players have the option of purchasing additional skins for their avatars, which were developed by the game’s creators.
Unfortunately, the servers have been having difficulties lately, and it is causing problems for the users, including the Minecraft Store not working
Minecraft lets users do whatever they want due to the absence of restrictions. At the beginning of the game, participants are randomly placed in the game’s blocky world and then chosen.
They will only know if they can make it to the end of the game if they make it there after that. At Minecraft, you are put in random locations in the world when you begin a new game.
How to turn off Keep Inventory in Minecraft
To help prevent the player from losing things upon death, you may use the command /gamerule keepInventory False (which is case sensitive). This command will function in Vanilla Minecraft, even if no modifications are used (as long as cheats are enabled). Additionally, you may do this on a server if you have operator privileges.
Method 1: Use a Command
You must enable cheats in the world to execute game commands in Minecraft.
A step-by-step guide on how to type in a command
Step 1: Open the Chat Window
Step 2: Go to the chat box
You may enter a command into the chat box in Minecraft to execute it. A change in the Minecraft version changes the game control to launch the chat window.
- To launch the chat window on PC/Mac, use the T key.
- To see the chat help command, touch the chat button on the top of the Pocket Edition (PE) screen.
- For Xbox One, press the D-Pad (right) Xbox one on the controller.
- For PS4, press the D-Pad (right) ps4 on the controller.
- For Nintendo Switch, press the right arrow button Nintendo switch on the controller.
- For Windows 10 Edition, press the T key to open the chat window.
- To use the chat feature for the Education Edition, hit the T key.
Step 3: Type in the command
With the following command, we’ll set the gamerule to turn off keep inventory in Minecraft. This way if you die in Minecraft you will lose your items and your inventory will be emptied.
- /gamerule keepInventory false
In the chat window, type the command. The command will display in the bottom left corner of the game window while you are typing. To execute the command, just press the Enter key.
Your game rule will be modified for the planet you are playing in. Following that, check your inventory after your character has died in the game.
You would notice that the items which you previously had in your inventory are no longer there. We hope that served the purpose.
Method 2: Change the Gamerule in a New World
Step 1. Go to Create New World
In Single-player, go to the Create New World button and click it. That button should be positioned underneath the list of worlds.
Step 2: Go to the Game Rules page.
Go to the Game Rules page. The button that says “Allow Cheats” should be directly beneath it.
Step 3: Locate Keep Inventory After Death”
Find the “Keep Inventory After Death” option, and then scroll down. Click on the button next to it that says on to turn it to false.
Step 4: Turn on the Allow Cheats button
Click on the Allow Cheats button located on the main Create a World screen. Once it reads “Allow Cheats: On,” click on it. This will let you make rules changes while in the world.
Step 5: Create your new world
The new world is created by clicking the ‘Create New World’ button. Now that this is completed, your new world will begin, in which you may retain your belongings after death.
How to turn off Keep Inventory in Minecraft PC
Image titled Keep your items when you die in minecraft.png
Step 1: Open your world.
Open the world you want to keep your items on. This can be a world with Allow Cheats turned off.
Step 2: Press Esc and click on Open to LAN.
Step 3: Click on the Survival Mode
Click the Game Mode: Survival button until it is on the gamemode you want. Ignore this step if you want it to be on survival.
Step 4: Allow cheats On
Click the Allow Cheats: Off button until it says Allow Cheats: On.
Step 5: Click the Start LAN World button.
Click the Start LAN World button. This will open your world to LAN. You should see a message in chat that says, “Local game hosted on port (numbers).”
Hosting a world in LAN makes it function like a multiplayer world, time will not stop if you press Escape. This also means that players on the same Wi-Fi network as you can join your world.
Step 6: Press / or T to open up the chat.
Step 7: Type in the command
Type /gamerule keepInventory false. The ‘I’ in inventory has to be capitalized for this to work.
You can also type in /g, Down Arrow, space, Tab ↹, then space, k Tab ↹, and space, f Tab ↹. This should also give you the command above.
Step 8: Press Enter
Press ↵ Enter after typing the command. If done correctly, you should see a message in chat that says “Gamerule keepInventory is now set to: false.”
You will have to repeat this process every time you enter the world after exiting it. Exiting the world will stop hosting it on LAN, and therefore make it so that cheats are disabled and you can lose inventory items.
How to turn off Keep Inventory in Minecraft Android
Using Minecraft: Pocket Edition is a lot of fun. However, if you would like play in multiplayer mode, you should play it on your PC.
The rules in Minecraft work the same way regardless of whether you are playing on PC or Android/iOS, and when you die, your things are lost.
Follow the steps given below to turn off the inventory in Minecraft Android.
Step 1: Download and Launch Minecraft
Download the Android version of Minecraft Pocket Edition on your phone.
Step 2: Go to the Chat button
The chat button is located in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Step 3: Type in the command
To turn off keep inventory in Minecraft android, use “/gamerule keepInventory false” in the chatbox.
Step 4: Click the Enter button.
Your goods in your inventory will no longer be available once you die.
Step 5: Respawn if necessary
To respawn, just click on the “Respawn” button.
How to turn off Keep Inventory in Minecraft iPhone
The gaming experience offered by Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE) on the iPhone is unique and different.
It may not have as many features as the Java edition, but it does have a higher level of parental control.
By playing in Creative and Survival modes and participating in invite-only multiplayer games, users may experience all Creative and Survival Mode has to offer.
Follow the steps given below to turn off the inventory in Minecraft iPhone.
Step 1: Launch Minecraft
Download the Android version of Minecraft Pocket Edition on your phone.
Step 2: Go to the Chat button
The chat button is located in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Step 3: Enter the command
To turn off keep inventory in Minecraft android, use “/gamerule keepInventory false” in the chat box.
Step 4: Press Enter
Your goods in your inventory will no longer be available once you die.
Step 5: Respawn if necessary
To respawn, just click on the “Respawn” button.
1. Do You Drop Items in Minecraft?
Dropping things is required in Minecraft if you wish to donate or remove them from your game inventory.
You just need to tap “Q” and an object will instantly appear in front of you. You have the option of picking it up or leaving it for another player.
You will die in Minecraft and will lose all of your items, requiring you to start a new game. This is automated, and you cannot choose to save any particular things.
There is, however, a method to alter the game rules and keep your inventory list constant each time you die.
2. If you die in Minecraft, what happens to your inventory?
Although you may die in the game while playing, dying in Minecraft respawns you with no things in your inventory.
When you die, you will have to begin collecting everything all over again. There are, however, many methods you can take to avoid this from occurring. You might save your inventory, for example, or utilize a cheat code.
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Abhigyan identifies himself as a tech geek, gaming cognoscenti, and also a connoisseur of music. Unidentified and mysterious phenomena never fail to gather his undivided attention. When not reading about bizarre and perplexing entities across the Universe, he can often be found cheering for his favorite teams in Football.