Last updated on December 15th, 2020 at 05:42 pm
“What’s your Gunsmith build?” Probably the most popular question, which is being asked by every CODM player these days. Call of Duty Mobile received the Gunsmith customization feature with the new season update. The customization feature is a little bit confusing for some players, as it sports 50+ attachments to choose from. Well, a straightforward approach to the customization will save you from any kind of vagueness.
We are here to help again, as we continue our Gunsmith weapon guide series. Some of you might already know, but if you are new, allow us to introduce what we started a few days ago.
MUST-READ: COD Mobile “No Recoil” DR-H Loadout
Our Gunsmith weapon guide approach doesn’t focus on creating the ‘best weapon.’ According to us, that’s futile, as the weapon build by an individual can’t be universally accepted to be the best. However, a weapon build for a particular purpose makes more sense. For instance, the best weapon-build for high mobility or high recoil control will be more helpful, as it allows users to choose a build based on their own game-style.
That’s why our approach to create a weapon build has been purpose-based. In our earlier posts, we mentioned the weapon build for – No recoil KN-44, Fast ADSing Kilo, High range DR-H. So, users who need a Kilo build with fast ADS will use our build; thus, no confusion at all.
Well, today, we continue our series with a new weapon loadout, that is, Cordite loadout for ‘Search and Destroy’ mode.
Best Cordite Loadout Guide for S&D –
Here, we have tried our hands on the most popular SMG in Call of Duty Mobile, that is, Cordite. The stats value for the prominent SMG has’t changed much; however, the limb-damage has been decreased.
This Gunsmith Loadout for Cordite focuses on increasing ADS speed and overall mobility, without sacrificing anything else. However, you can add Light Barrel to the slot to increase the damage range a bit, but as you will notice, your ADS speed will be sacrificed a bit. And some milliseconds are enough to make a difference in S&D.
Here’s a thing, the more attachments you add, the more it gets complicated. We will recommend adding minimal attachments in a build to keep things untangled. That’s why we followed a simple approach to create this Gunsmith loadout.
ALSO READ: How to unlock Gold Camo in COD Mobile
Best Cordite Attachments –
- Muzzle – (No Changes)
- Barrel – Light Barrel (Optional)
- Optic – (No Changes)
- Stock – MIP Strike Stock
- Rear Grip – Stippled Grip Tape
- Ammunition – (No Changes)
- Underbarrel – (No Changes)
- Laser – OWC Laser – Tactical
- Perk – Sleight of Hand
Note: The post will be updated continuously to provide you with the best loadout possible. Stay tuned!
Check out the weapon-stats of the base variant for comparison.
How to use Cordite build –
This is the best Cordite weapon build for Search and Destroy mode. The fast ADS speed will be really helpful in close to short-range fights, thus, best for Search and Destroy mode. And the top of it, this weapon build won’t disappoint you in long-range engagement either.
So, what are you waiting for? Try your hands on this new weapon build.
Well, that’s pretty much it. Stay tuned; we will be sharing more “purpose-oriented” weapon build on our website.
Follow us on Twitter & join our Telegram channel for more post-updates.
Check out GUNSMITH LOADOUTS here –
COD Mobile RUS-79U Gunsmith Loadout – ‘High Mobility’ RUS-79U Loadout
COD Mobile HG-40 Gunsmith Loadout – ‘No Recoil’ HG-40 Loadout
COD Mobile KN-44 Gunsmith Loadout – “No Recoil” KN-44 Loadout

Nishant ‘thatman’ Singh is a Digital Marketing Manager and a fan of the COD, Minecraft, and Roblox. Perfection is his forte, and the same can be seen in his work. He loves to invest his time in creating awesome content on YouTube and discovering the latest games.