Roblox is a swiftly developing game platform that targets both users and creators. Roblox Studios provides developers with a broad variety of freedom and capabilities, giving up a world of possibilities. Architects like working with different ideas, and it would seem that gamers enjoy this kind of testing too.
Nearly every single day, designers develop a broad range of subcategories and new titles, with just a tiny percentage of them being famous owing to their unique concept. The Roblox community is extremely close to both players and creators. Gamers eagerly support new games, benefiting both developers and designers.
Numerous titles are appropriate for both adults and children. There are many games that adults may enjoy, especially if you look at Roblox roleplay games.
32 Roleplay Games on Roblox
Role-playing games are a reliable source of amusement that enables teams to take on various roles and live fascinating lives. Role-playing game fans on Roblox should try the games on this list.
32. Kingdom Life II
This role-playing game is Roblox’s finest medieval game. Players may take on the roles of humans as well as other species such as elves, fairies, dragons, and so on.
Users have the option of playing in player versus player (PvP) or role-playing modes.
In the PvP mode, participants compete to destroy one another. The reverse is true of the role-playing experience.
This provides players with two different methods to interact with the game.
31. Neverland Lagoon
Neverland Lagoon is a fictional location in the United Kingdom. Lovers of Peter Pan will like this game in which they can build their unique avatars, soar about the globe, and transform into other animals.
As you strive to acquire money and discover all of the game’s hidden mysteries, you may make it anything you want.
You may even go beneath the sea as a mermaid if you like, and it’s the ideal game for entering your favorite music ID codes.
This degree of adaptability is what makes this RPG appealing to fans who want it to be available on consoles as well.
30. Roleplay as a Vampire
This isn’t Twilight. The only things it has in common with Twilight are demons, vampires, and people.
It will not have the same plot, locations, or anything else. This videogame is also a roleplay about a human village that is cut off from the rest of the world by forests.
No one has ever gone into the woods since rumor has said that you never come out. If you are a human, you either live a regular life or leave the woods.
If you are a werewolf or a vampire, you must either remain in your culture or go to a human settlement.
29. Ghost Simulator
This entertaining RPG Roblox game allows you to visit various places, such as deserts, mountains, beaches, cities, villages, woods, and so on, in order to capture ghosts with a vacuum cleaner.
You may think it’s absurd to capture a ghost with a vacuum cleaner, but the game is fun.
This game allows you to encounter not-so-scary ghosts and sometimes even enjoy them with your pals.
28. Fantastic Frontier
Fantastic Frontier places the globe in your arms as you go on an adventure to different islands.
To advance in this adventure RPG, you must battle a variety of creatures and gather stuff.
It puts you in a rare position, and the landscape design alone would be a factor why many players pick this game.
27. Animatronic World
Animatronic World is a game! Allows you to experience a world reminiscent to Five Nights at Freddy’s.
You may choose between becoming a Nightguard, a regular person, or an animatronic figure.
You can even create your own if the ones provided aren’t up to your expectations, which is why this game is so popular.
26. Ro Citizens
In RoCitizens, you become a completely different person as you participate in a universe that is entirely reliant on your actions.
It lets you take jobs, perform missions for the residents, and even includes a crime system.
Whatever route you pick, there’s something for, especially Slenders, since it may be utilized as a place to mingle or express your imagination as you decorate your house.
25. Mad City
GTA, one of the most well-known titles, of all time is well-known to all gaming enthusiasts. Mad City is Roblox’s take on Grand Theft Auto.
You may play as a robber, a law enforcement officer, or a superhero in this game
. In addition, Mad City enables you to equip four weapons: a shotgun, cold steel, a sniper rifle, and an SMG.
The longer you play this game, the better your skills and strategies will get.
24. Sundown Island
Users will live as a wolf on Sundown Island since there are no people there, but this does not mean they are completely secure.
The wolf you name your own may be customized, and there are plenty of creatures to fight while you’re here.
It has over 20 million visitors, therefore it is fair to assume that this game will be a home run for every RPG fan.
23. Medieval Roleplay
Medieval Roleplay (MRP) is one of ROBLOX’s best roleplay settings, not for its scripting or construction, but for its moderating.
MRP is one of the few ROBLOX roleplays having its own moderating staff, as well as a clear and comprehensive set of rules.
MRP 4.6 includes a huge map with a Thieves Guild, Rat Tunnels, Sewers, a Castle, Castle Town, a Lake, a Knight’s Guild, and a Bandit Camp. However, the map is still unfinished.
Assassins are not permitted. It’s been misused, and it’s not the Renascence Era anymore.
Things trying to handle less-than-appropriate plots do not belong here.
22. Theme Park Tycoon 2
Users might be familiar with this game if they’ve tried Planet Coaster or Rollercoaster Tycoons.
It’s comparable to the previous games, but much more fun.
Theme Park Tycoon 2 is a strategy, roleplay game in which you must develop your theme park in order to attract more guests and achieve success.
21. The Neighbourhood of Robloxia
The Neighbourhood of Robloxia is an amazing game with stunning visuals that offer all of its players an exceptional user encounter.
The game is built on a roleplay server, which enables users to traverse a Robloxia and interact with other players.
You may select your personal job title, such as Doctor, Teacher, and so on.
20. RPG Simulator
Astral Studios has created a game called RPG Simulator where you can play with friends to defeat monsters and upgrade your character.
You may equip yourself with items such as weapons and even a pet.
There are so many worlds to explore, and each one has so much to offer, that you would never get tired of playing this renowned RPG.
19. Horse World
Horses are magnificent animals, and there is a rationale why such a game is among the top Roblox RPGs.
The service is free of charge and occurs in a horse-ruled world, which may sound odd at first but is really very amazing.
It’s the ideal setting for channeling your inner horsewoman.
Players may opt to ride a horse of their choosing or start on the journey as their own Roblox avatar.
The game has fantastical aspects, such as the ability to assist your fellow horses rather than allowing humans to take over by herding the horses one by one.
18. Roblox High School
Throughout this game, users take on the role of a high school character. Anyone, from the principal to pupils, may play the role of the character.
This game consists of eight teams: the principal, teachers/staff, freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, cheerleaders, and athletes.
Players explore the globe and earn money to purchase real estate.
17. Roblox Runway Model
Roblox Runway Model DizzyPurple’s Roblox Runway Model (previously Roblox’s Top Model) is a fashion game.
The goal of the game is to design an outfit for a certain category and have the three judges decide on which outfit is the best.
At the outset of every session, the game selects three random players to serve as judges.
Models are chosen from among the other participants.
The game selects a random category on which the participants must build their attire.
16. Eerie Pizzeria Roleplay
Over 5,000,000 people have visited Eerie Pizzeria Roleplay (previously known as Five Nights At Freddy’s RPG).
The personalities and locations in the game are inspired by the famous indie video games “Five Nights At Freddy’s” and “Five Nights At Freddy’s 2.”
15. Anime High School (Slice of Life)
It’s quite well-designed, and there are hundreds of role players on it, based on what I’ve seen.
You may create your personal scenario with friends and meet new individuals who share your interests (Most of the time).
And perhaps join some of the group’s clubs! It’s an excellent location for roleplaying, in my opinion.
It’s popular enough that you won’t be judged by professionals if you’re discovering how to roleplay, but not famous enough even for online daters, noobs, as well as other people like that to participate.
14. Dragon’s Life
Shyfoox Studios developed Dragon’s Life, a roleplaying game.
In the game, players take on the role of a dragon that may be modified to their taste and explore a terrain that includes a variety of various kinds of settings.
Players may take on the roles of an egg, a baby, an adolescent, or an adult.
The players write their own narrative, adopt a baby, form a family or pack, and accomplish a variety of other activities.
You may give your dragon whatever name you like and write a history about it in the description box.
13. Feather Family
ShinyGriffin created the Roblox game Feather Family. It’s a role-playing game in which you act like a bird.
All birds may be modified in three ways: color (from which you can color specific parts of the bird), texture (the texture of the body), and effects (Which adjust what particles come from the bird.).
The majority of Textures and Effects are unlocked via VIB, one of the game passes.
12. Electric State DarkRP
This game is presently being developed and tested in alpha form. Electric State DarkRP members may use their Roblox accounts to purchase various game passes.
It is basically a free roam Roblox game modeled on Simon Stalenhag’s novel “The Electric State.”
11. Town Life Roleplay
The game focuses on genuine roleplaying in the fictitious environment of Philson County, where the player may interact with people, own houses, purchase weapons and possess a wide variety of vehicles ranging from airplanes to motorcycles.
The game is played 692,777 times and 14,556 times.
The setting is the fictitious United States county of Philson County, a flat island in the midst of the sea.
There is an airport in the county, as well as the town of Philson.
There are houses in town that the player may own, ranging from single-family homes to flats, trailers, and castles.
10. Swordburst 2
This game allows players to explore a large area and fight monsters while gathering materials for advancement.
Every round offers new regions, but you must first defeat the boss before you may access them.
Players are given a sword that they may use to defeat a variety of opponents.
Like Torchlight or Diablo, it seems to be a game that is best played with a group of pals.
9. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition
You may be puzzled how such a beta can be so good, but it’s developing into an RPG worthy of its own platform.
This will price you 35 Robux, but who wouldn’t spend that to live as a wild cat among a clan of other kitties?
At the very least, it will get people excited about the forthcoming Stray PS5 game.
A single server in Warrior Cats may house up to 50 cats.
It’s exciting to form a group with your clanmates and explore the terrain while trying to stay alive.
8. Backpacking
If you’ve been asking if Roblox has any open-world RPGs, the answer is almost certainly yes.
In this Roblox RPG, you may pretty much do anything you want as you discover different regions and set up camp whenever you want.
Backpacking also allows you to prepare your own meals, swim in a pool, and kayak along rivers.
Even when you’re still trapped inside, you can still enjoy an outdoor excursion.
7. Robloxaville
In this role-playing game, participants may live a normal lifestyle in the suburbs. To enjoy the sport, one should participate in a range of activities and professions.
Income is gained via contributions from other gamers who buy fruits and fish.
Players may then spend this money to purchase a home, a vehicle, and so on, and then play the game.
6. Anomic
Anomic resembles a cross between Fallout: New Vegas and Grand Theft Auto. This harsh open-world setting transports players to rural Nevada in the 1990s.
The tasks are all about making money, and they range from legal to illegal. This game is perfect for gamers looking for something with a darker tone.
5. Portal Heroes
Just like in some of the greatest paid access games, Portal Heroes involves you battling demons and enlisting other superheroes to assist you in your quest.
When you advance through the tasks, you will leap through portals, wield a sword, gather money, and do a variety of other things.
It will keep you entertained for hours, and it is one game that would be much greater if it had its own gaming platform.
4. Hospital Roleplay
Ever since the game’s first debut in 2016, a lot of updates have been published.
Users may explore the Kaiser Permanente Robloxia hospital as either a client or a member of the hospital staff.
The doors on the left side of the entry are the ideal location to get the things you’ll need for the part you’d want to perform.
It enables users to simulate realistic medical scenarios in a hospital, such as childbirth, broken limbs, and Ebola epidemics.
3. Infinity RPG
Infinity RPG emphasizes a grind mindset in which you finish battles to level up and become the greatest in all worlds.
It is quite massive, with more than 70 armor sets and 50 planets to discover.
That will undoubtedly take you days to finish. Roguelike games may be addictive, but a roguelike with RPG features elevates this to the next level.
You won’t be strong enough to stop when you commence clawing your way up to the top and defeating even the most difficult bosses in the game.
2. Welcome to Bloxburg
‘Welcome to Bloxburg’ is one of the best roleplay games in Roblox where you can choose from a range of jobs to follow. You can basically choose any roleplay you want. In most of the games, you are bound to play a single role, but this experience provides you different options.
The player needs to do a job, earn money to get basic survival needs like house and food, just like the real life. And there are options to buy luxurious items if you earn a good amount of money.
There are a plenty of jobs to do in the game, you can be grocery shop owner, garage owner, hairdresser, and almost anything. Try this game if you are looking for a variety in the roleplay genre.
1. Brookhaven RP
Brookhaven RP is the best roleplay game available on Roblox which offers all the great stuff. Players can enjoy playing any role they want with their friends.
This roleplay experience is the best way to make new friends in Roblox and enjoy with them.
There are several items in the game which can be easily deployed at any time like – cars, bikes, baseball bat and whatnot.
This game is the real package, you get everything you imagine from a Roblox game.
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- Top 10 Best Sports Games in Roblox
- Top 10 Best Superhero Games in Roblox
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Nishant ‘thatman’ Singh is a Digital Marketing Manager and a fan of the COD, Minecraft, and Roblox. Perfection is his forte, and the same can be seen in his work. He loves to invest his time in creating awesome content on YouTube and discovering the latest games.