How to get Berserker Medal in COD Mobile (Berserker Medal)

Call of Duty Mobile is an action-shooter, first-person perspective game designed for mobile devices. It is one of the best and most played games on mobile and COD Mobile achieved this feat in a very short period of time, thanks to the already huge fanbase of the Call of Duty Franchise.

COD Mobile is currently in its new season, Season 2: Day of Reckoning and there is a lot going on in the game that has players swarming in from all over the world to check it out. Truly, COD Mobile is the most unique game ever to have been launched on Mobile devices, with so many unique and lucrative features that leave other action-shooter games far behind. There are several game modes to keep things exciting and reduce the monotonousness in the games that other similar games have failed to do so. The game also provides rewards and medals to players for playing exceptionally well.

In the game, there are a total of 86 medals available in the game for the players to earn, out of which, 42 medals can be obtained from the Multiplayer game modes. The Berserker Medal is also one of the medals that can be obtained from Multiplayer game modes in COD Mobile.

Today, in this article, we will discuss how to get the Berserker Medal in COD Mobile.

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How to get Berserker Medal in COD Mobile

The Berserker Medal is a Killstreak medal in the Multiplayer Section of COD Mobile. To earn this medal, a player needs to kill three enemies in a row in a single Multiplayer match without dying. The currently live seasonal event “Gold or Nothing” has a task that requires you to earn the Berserker Medal in multiplayer matches three times.

Now, we shall discuss how to earn this medal.

Players need to select the Multiplayer mode in COD Mobile with a squad. They can solo-queue as well. Equip the preferable loadout choices, select an available multiplayer map and start the game. Kill three enemies without dying in a single game and do this in three different multiplayer matches. Some tips to earn the Berserker Medal –berserker medal

  • Set the perks in Loadout, which will allow the player to have high chances of survival throughout the game. The player can set it to Vulture, Persistence, and Hardline.
  • Use Sentry Gun or VTOL or any other to earn kills as fast as possible.
  • Try to catch the enemies off guard.
  • Avoid unnecessary fights, you could hide and ambush enemies.
  • Avoid open fights and try to fight using a cover.berserker medal

These are the easiest and simplest ways one can try to earn the Berserker Medal in the Multiplayer matches in COD Mobile. Earning the Berserker Medal thrice will also help you to move ahead to different tasks in the “Gold or Nothing” Seasonal Event.

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