Last updated on May 27th, 2021 at 11:49 pm
Apex Legends has always been one of the favorite shooters on console and PC, a brilliant free-to-play title gave a new meaning to the Battle Royale genre right from the moment it was released, and has continued to reinvent itself impressively over seasons of new content.
Imagine the hype when players came to know about the announcement which EA made about the Launch of Apex Legends Mobile. For all those players who couldn’t afford a decent PC, yet still wanted to play Apex Legends, this is just the thing for you!
However, with the number of Legends which Apex Legends Mobile has to offer, it can often become confusing for inexperienced people to choose one. Well, we are here to help you with that. We are back again with our guide to yet another one of the Legends of the game to help you choose your preferred character.
How to use Wraith in Apex Legends Mobile (Wraith Guide)
- Passive: Voices from the Void
As simplistic as it could seem so, this alert is Apex Legends’ best scouting device. When an opponent so much as gazes at you, you’re cautioned. So, first and foremost, it’s an amazing skill to inform you whether or not the region you are in is truly safe or if the threat is skulking only out of view.
Using the passive of Wraith be sure to alert your teammates too in case of any imminent danger so that they could be all ears and be ready for an ambush. Wraith’s Passive ability also lets you know about the type of danger you are facing as well as its presence, so whenever, you hear whispers, be sure to stop chit-chatting and pay heed to the voice as it may as well save your life and help you win the match.
- Tactical: Into the Void
Wraith’s Tactical ability enables her to penetrate the void for 4 seconds, bestowing her invincibility and boosted speed of movement. While being in the void, Wraith cannot play a part in the battle or recover herself, but she is competent of just seeing opponents.
This can help you in tricky situations or if your team has been ambushed. Use the tactical to quickly zoom across to the nearest point of cover. You can also use this to check out a zone where two squads are already engaged in battle. Use the void to quickly scan the area and locate the enemies without being discovered. Then regroup with your team to third party them and finish them off.
- Ultimate Ability: Dimensional Rift
Wraith’s Ultimate Dimensional Rift enables her to generate two portals that are connected together and can last for 60 seconds in total. These portals are not only accessible to Wraith and her squad but every single player on the map.
This could be used to your benefit if an adversary unwittingly utilizes a portal that both you and your squad would be on the other end of. Be sure to ping the location of the portal so your teammates can also use it to escape tricky situations.
That is all for Wraith’s guide. Be sure to use her abilities to ensure yourself a victory.
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Apex Legends Mobile Guide –

Abhigyan identifies himself as a tech geek, gaming cognoscenti, and also a connoisseur of music. Unidentified and mysterious phenomena never fail to gather his undivided attention. When not reading about bizarre and perplexing entities across the Universe, he can often be found cheering for his favorite teams in Football.